ESRA Magazine
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The 2021-22 Maccabi Maale Adumim team photo


A Basketball Family Affair

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Oh, How We Used to Laugh!

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Deal Me In

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Uncle Charley

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Something Old, Something New

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The First Crembo of Winter

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Ruth: A Rebel with a Cause

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The Spunky Lady of Moscow – Ida Nudel 1931- 2021

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Once Upon a Time in the Galilee

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Helping Soldiers Chillax

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A team of nurses and two South African physiotherapists outside Sarafand Hospital. Hazel Levy, sitting bottom right. Sandra Saber sitting, first left.


Hazel Levy

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Left-handed pitcher Jake Fishman (Photo courtesy of Israeli Olympic Committee Amit Schissel)


Israel's Olympic Baseball Team

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Hidden Castle Quietly Crumbles Between the Palms

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Our group of Sar-El volunteers


Volunteering in Sar-El

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The Bolivian "Schindler"

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Photo Wikimedia Commons


Gymnastic Great - Agnes Keleti

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The author’s grandfather, Max Barish, poses with his wife, Etta, in Los Angeles. Image by courtesy of the author


The Defeat of Henry Ford

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The foyer, with the butterfly motif on the floor.


Cathy Raff's Project in Akko

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A Century-Old Dream of Aliyah

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An Ani Shlishi youth organizing the store inventory


Ani Shlishi

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