ESRA Magazine
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Michael Dickson (left) in conversation with Douglas MurrayPhoto credit: Michael Laurence Photography


An Evening With Douglas Murray

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Feb. 2023 Mobile Eyecare Clinic in Tedda


Bringing Eyecare to Ethiopia Started with a Family Trip

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A wounded soldier with toys to give each of his children HAVE SPECIAL MEANING FOR SOLDIERS' CHILDREN David with a soldier at a base after he delivered donated items A soldier


Gifts of Toys For Soldiers' Children

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Written in a Barn – The Diary of a Young Woman from Vilna

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Photo credit: Gordon Taylor on Pixabay


Error! Invalid Love Request

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Photo credit: Johannes Schenk on Unsplash


Feeling Israeli – Whatever That Is

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Mahjong fundraiser for the Israel Defense Forces


How Playing Mahjong Made a Difference

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The Silk Road


Jewish Roots On The Silk Road

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Freedom and Speech

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Yam le Yam for Seniors

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My mother, (left) with older siblings


A Roots Trip to Germany – 2016

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When Moses Came to Eilat

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Corona Book: Simulation-2 Courtesy of Z. Koren


The Medium is the Messenger

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Photography is a Journey

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Jock Falkson


Singing with Dad

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Taken at Purim . . . Luthier Avraham Regis Amar in his atelier, dressed as Sherlock Holmes with his pipe, cap and magnifying glass, looking for clues to discover what is wrong with the violin


Our Cello Takes a Bow

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The Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra with Kirill Petrenko, their newly-appointed Jewish musical director (Photo: Stefan Höderath)


Orchestra's New Jewish Director

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Dreams Never Dreamed: A Memoir by Kalman Samuels

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“Bad Jews” by Joshua Harmon at Center Stage


Center Stage – A Light in the Face of Adversity

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Perfection at the Philharmonic

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