ESRA Magazine
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Ramat Gan National Park

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Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks (1948-2020). Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of Great Britain and the Commonwealth


The Necessity of Teaching Your Children

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Kay Wilson Receives AIC's Impact Award

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Light pollution into space. Every photon that flies into space is a waste of energy and a hindrance to our experience of the universe.


Searching for the Milky Way in Israel

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Sylvan Adams is Getting Started

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Credit: Wikipedia


Senior Citizen's Guide to Cancellation of Remote Sales

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Three Book Reviews

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Illustration: Liora Blum


Natural Gas

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Team Israel, headed for Tokyo, after winning the Europe-Africa Olympic Qualifier in Parma, Italy, September 2019. Photo: Margo Sugarman


Israel Baseball Team Heading to Japan Olympics

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Photo by: Rodhullandemu / CC BY-SA


My Grandfather's Shop

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Illustration: Liora Blum


Along Came a Hero

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Trevor and Laura at their wedding in Vancouver


A Love Story from Long-Distance to Zero-Distance

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Statue of St Francis of Assisi in the Museum of Memorial courtyard


Italian Jews Who Trusted a Saint

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Grandma Ruti proudly holds her newest granddaughter, not yet a week old, father Eyal smiles at her, and mother Ayala gets a moment to relax


Memories of a New Life in Australia

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Reuven Yagil with a herd of Bactrian camels in Kazakhstan


Legacy of Negev's Dr. Doolittle

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April 2016: Jessica Dahan in the ICU, Netcare Milpark Hospital, South Africa


Fight to Save Me from Swine Flu

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Mike Amir in 2012 when he was awarded a certificate of merit for his achievements in tourism to Israel


An Officer Who Changed History

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Dr Harry Bloomberg ... wanted to make aliyah in 1949


Doctor No

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Lea Goldberg’s portrait featured on the Israeli NIS 100 banknote


Lea Goldberg 1911-1970

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Celebrating their 45th year . . .Herzliya Ladies’ Book Club members line up


Book Club – Celebrates 45 Years

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