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Stephen Kliner was born in Glasgow Scotland in 1953 and grew up there. He graduated LLB in Law and MA in Economics and Sociology at the University of Glasgow and subsequently practised as a solicitor in private practice for over thirty years. He is a past president of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council during which time the idea for the...

Stephen Kliner was born in Glasgow Scotland in 1953 and grew up there. He graduated LLB in Law and MA in Economics and Sociology at the University of Glasgow and subsequently practised as a solicitor in private practice for over thirty years. He is a past president of the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council during which time the idea for the book was first conceived. He worked for many years in various capacities for a number of charitable organisations both locally in Glasgow and nationally - most noticeably the local synagogue, Habonim-Dror, and Cosgrove Care (an organization for adults and children with learning difficulties). He made aliyah to Netanya in December 2012 where he has re-invented himself as a tour guide having just completed a two-year tour-guiding course at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He is married to Barbara who is the recently appointed Chair of Esra Netanya and has a son Aaron in Ramat Chen, Tel Aviv and a daughter Merav in Liverpool, England. 

Father and daughter — Pam and George Trenter


Pam's Story


Reminiscences: A Walk in Nahal Poleg Nature Reserve


Yam le Yam for Seniors

Sand Lily on cliff top overlooking Gador Beach


Getting to Know Hof HaCarmel and Ramat Menashe


The Desert in Bloom

Zvi Brenner (third from right) and others in Akko prison


Zvi Brenner: Israeli Hero


If This Tree Could Talk


Och, It’s a Hoot, Mon!


Great Scott! - A Book Review