ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories


Alice Ingleby - A Book Review


My American Dream - A Book Review


My Medicine, My Body - A Book Review


The Life Cycle of of a Bike


Two Hearts are Better than One


A Horse Walks into a Bar - A Book Review


Flags Over the Warsaw Ghetto - A Review


Man Alone


Woman of Few Words - A Review


Confidential - A Review


Tel Aviv Short Stories - A Review


Wherever You Go - A Review


The Jerusalem File - A Review


Stempenyu - A Lopsided Review


Thoughts of a Would-be Writer


Ode to an Eggbeater


Collaborator: A Tragic Figure or a Villain?


Memories That Won’t Go Away - A Book Review


Ode to my Move to Beth Protea


Navigating Global Business - A Book Review


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