ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories




Annice Grinberg 1938-2018


Lorraine Melzer 1946-2018


Writer who Beat the Odds


An Awesome Trek of 500 Miles


‘David’ Author Adds a String to his Bow


A Shared Interest in Reading


Novel Way to Get People Together


Discovering Gems Down Mexico Way


Golan’s New Heights


Twist & Shout


Flour, Salt Yeast – and Soul


Collaborator: A Tragic Figure or a Villain?


If the Ground Moves, it's an Earthquake


What an Assortment!


Israel’s Role in World Water Shortage


Proper Pronoun to Use is We


Jews in Lithuania


We’ll Never Return to Babylon


The Fire Extinguishers


MagazineIsrael- 2019-homepage
There are pockets of coexistence
which kindle hope.
Old cities and very new cities with amazing stories
Find out about the Israeli art scene
The best tours in Israel with ESRA members