ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories


Poet the ‘King of Peace’


The Worlds We Think We Know - Book Review


Can There Be Forgiveness? - Book Review


The Wandering Jew has Arrived - Book Review




Writer who Beat the Odds


An Awesome Trek of 500 Miles


‘David’ Author Adds a String to his Bow


Poet's Corner: Intrepid


Curiosity Prompted Dig at Ancient Site


The Clarinetist by Herschel Katz - Review


Poem: Books


Jacob’s Oath - Review


I Missed the Spring - A Book Review


A Table Against Mine Enemies - A Book Review


Write on – Author Launches Two Titles - Book Review


Letters from a Farm in Africa - A Book Review


A Shared Interest in Reading


Novel Way to Get People Together


Rise: A Novel of Contemporary Israel - A Review


MagazineIsrael- 2019-homepage
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which kindle hope.
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