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Tearful Farewell to Noga

Noga Raz and the Kfar Shmaryahu social group

For the last 14 years our Kfar Shmaryahu social group has been meeting once a week under the care and guidance of Noga Raz. She accepted the volunteer position of coordinating this group of teenagers with disabilities meeting once a week for a few social hours together. During this time, the teenagers have grown into young adults, several group leaders have come and gone, but Noga remained to take care of the group. The group recently gave Noga a farewell party as she is, sadly for us, leaving for personal reasons. And it was only then that I realized how totally involved Noga has been, not only with the group members, their trials and problems, but with their families and parents who always found a listening ear and helpful advice. The outpouring of love that the young people expressed for Noga brought tears to everyone there. Noga, who is such a modest, quiet lady, didn't even realize herself how much she had entered the hearts of these youngsters, all of whom either wrote her letters which they read aloud – not always an easy task for them – or just spoke their feelings for her:

Noga Raz has been volunteering for 14 years
One of the messages of farewell

Dear Noga, I loved you and still love you. Good luck for the future. I'm sorry you're leaving. You have been a dedicated and good manager. I will miss you. With love Or

Dear Noga, thank you so much for the wonderful years. We love you and will miss you. Good luck from Idan and Tomi

Dear Noga, Thank you with all my heart ... And many more all written and spoken with so much emotion.

Noga, we will miss you, the group members and their families will miss you, and the volunteers will miss you. You have been an inspiration to us all. We wish you and your family health, happiness and love. We know you'll visit often and look forward to seeing you. 



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