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New Year Greetings 2016

Ellen and Harold Davies
Judy and Cyril Fisher
Rita and Gerald Levy
Eli Libenson
Liz and Terry Morris
Nadia and Arne Rabuchin
Roslyn and Harold Silver
Betty and Ed Wolfe

We wish all our ESRA friends a happy healthy New Year.
Meira and Jack

Wishing all a year of good health and Happiness.
Helen and Jack

Wishing our beautiful family and fantastic friends "Shana Tova".
Glenis and Lawrence Bertfield

Wishing family and friends a peaceful and happy New Year
Barbara Blum

We wish our amazing family and wonderful friends a very happy and healthy New Year.
Gill and Ronnie

Wishing all our friends in ESRA North, South and Center, a very happy Rosh Hashanah and much health, happiness and accomplishment in the coming year.
Frankie and Mike Cronin

We wish all our relatives and friends a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.
Beryl and Neil Davis

Wishing family and friends a happy and healthy New Year. John Neil Davis.

"Shana Tova" to ESRA members. With gratitude to our ESRA friends who contribute to Israel with such love, creativity and talent.
Sharon and Larry Finegold

Blessings and prayers that the New Year will bring good health, inner contentment and peace for all Israel and all peoples.
Bryna Franklin

I wish "Shana Tova" to all ESRA members and especially to Judy and Menachem Shapiro and family for a healthy, happy and creative 5777.
Ilana Gewirtz

We wish Daniel, Michael, Philip family and friends "Shana Tova" and well over the fast. May it be a peaceful year for everyone.
Linda and Alan Gill

Happy New Year to you our readers, volunteers, donors, advertisers, and staff, and thank you for all you do for ESRA – you make ESRA the dynamic organization it is.
May Israel's leaders have the vision and courage to move towards peace and to promote a genuine democracy, a tolerant nation of which we can be proud.
Merle and Gert

We wish all our friends and ESRA volunteers a happy, healthy and peaceful new year.
Adele and Michael

We wish family, friends and ESRA colleagues a happy and healthy New Year. May ESRA continue to thrive aמd prosper.
Brenda and John

Wishing all my family, friends and all of ESRA a happy and healthy New Year.
Janet Chait

Wishing family and friends a healthy and happy New Year
Denise and Sam

We wish all our wonderful Modiin members a blessed New Year with good health, happiness and laughter.
Barmor and Jackie Klein

New Year greetings to all the volunteers and committee members of the ESRA Binyamina Bookshop and Five Towns Branch.

A very happy New Year to our family and friends.
Annette and Roger

We wish our dear family and friends good health, happiness and calm in the new year.
Sue and Rodney

To dear friends and family, may your New Year be filled with joy, gratitude, patience and wisdom, health, hope and peace.
Debby and Myron

We wish all our family and friends a healthy happy New Year and well over the fast.
Thalia and Frank

We wish all our darling children, grandchildren, great granddaughters and all our precious friends a very happy, healthy and peaceful year.
Anne and Harry

Wishing all my family and friends a happy and peaceful new year and a lasting peace for Israel and her people.

We wish all our darling children, grandchildren, great granddaughters and all our precious friends a very happy, healthy and peaceful year.
Anne and Harry

May we all be blessed with peace, health, joy and fulfillment.
Juliet and Rusty

We wish all of the ESRA family, "volunteers, members and staff", a happy, healthy and peaceful New Year.
Mimi and Baruch

We wish our family and friends a happy New Year.
Adrian and Emma

Wishing all our family friends and ESRA members a happy, healthy and successful year.
Nina and Mervin



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