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New Rules for Crossing the Road

New regulations came into force in March this year with the intention of providing pedestrians with increased security when seeking to cross at pedestrian crossings.

The regulations state that a driver approaching a pedestrian crossing shall slow down and give a pedestrian right of way if the pedestrian standing on the pavement close to a pedestrian crossing is seen to be intent on crossing the road. Regulation (67 a1). [Previously the pedestrian acquired this right of way only if he had stepped on the pedestrian crossing].

A driver approaching a pedestrian crossing and seeing that a vehicle in the adjacent lane has slowed down is also obligated to slow down and if the adjacent vehicle has stopped, he too must do so. A pedestrian crossing shall be given the right of way. Regulation (67 a2).

The following regulations relating to a pedestrian's right of way are set out:-

■A driver on approaching a pedestrian crossing should look out for pedestrians on the road and on pedestrian crossings.

■A driver identifying a pedestrian on the pavement intending to cross on a pedestrian crossing shall stop.

■A driver seeing another vehicle stopped at a pedestrian crossing shall not overtake such vehicle.

■A driver, on seeing an approaching vehicle slow down or stop at a pedestrian crossing should assume that that this is for a pedestrian and should slow down or stop to allow the pedestrian to cross over safely.

Statistics for 2014 show that 125 pedestrians were killed constituting 39 per cent of all road fatalities, while 64 per cent of pedestrian fatalities occurred in urban areas 



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