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Milestones 212

Please share your Milestones with ESRA readers: Births, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Marriages, Deaths Email your Milestones to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel: 09 950 8371  

On your daughter
Aviya & Ranen Shemesh
Yiscah and Gidon Silas
On your granddaughter
Lisa and Avichai Levy
Ruth & Dani Barina, on Alma
On your great granddaughter
Annette and Roger Lavender
Doreen and Willie Malkinson
On your great granddaughters
Judy Frankel

Ronit Berz | 80th
Bob Goldman | 80th
Ray Levert | 100th
Josie Shlain | 96th
David Shulman | 75th
Jackie Shulman | 75th

On your son
Avril Gordon, on David to Nofar
On your son
Ben & Elana Maimon
On your daughter
Cheryl & Graham Liebson, on Nicole
to Yuval Rieback

Benadam Ariel, husband of Naomi Morrie Bode, husband of Annette
Gerald Budow, father of Mark, Tess and Marilyn
Sylvia Clayton, mother of Richard Clayton, Naomi Cowan, Julia Slater
Michael Cohen, husband of Debbie Guth Cohen
Sue Donner
Marion Fredman
Joe Gilad husband of Sue
Morrie Hoffman, brother of Eddy
Yisrael Kass
Terry Kantor, son of Val and Bobby Kantor
David Klein
Sheila Lampert
Atalia Ira Madris, sister of Sara Kessel
Lennie Rome, husband of Natalie
Lily-Rose Michalowsky, mother of Diane Klein, Louise Plutchok, David Michalowsky
Barbara Schwartz, wife of Neil
Harold "Smokey" Simon, father of Phillipa, Saul, Dani and Aliza
Rhona Strauss, wife of Morris
Sandi Tevet


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