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Milestones 188

he 90th birthday celebration was a mini family reunion for Morris Silber held recently in Raanana. Over 45 family members attended this special day flying in from Australia, Canada and South Africa. All three children of Morris and Ettie plus their grandchildren and all their great grandchildren were there to pay tribute to this special man and his wife.

Please share with ESRA readers your celebrations - Births, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Marriages, Condolences.

Send in your Milestones to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tel Mond
Cynthia & Stanley Shapiro


On your son
Jacky & Dan Sherman, on Nadav

On your daughter
Carmella & Aaron Rinberg

On your grandchild
Helen Rosenbaum

On your granddaughter
Jack & Helen Berman

Glenda & Martin Ellis
Maddy & Herb Levine, on Leila
Emma & Richard Rinberg
Nina & Marvin Zuck, on Yael

On your grandson
Shuli & Neil Corney
Marian & Abe Gulis
Caroline & Marc Low
Carol Lipman, on Nadav
Rennie & Zeev Rafaely, on Adam

On your great-granddaughter
Marjorie Glick

On your great-grandson
Freda Lanesman


On your grandson
Bebe Feldman, on Adir Lucy & Franklin Plein, on Adir


On your son
Carol & Michael Yarm, on Joel to Jamie

On your granddaughter
Glenis & Lawrence Bertfield, on Sivan to Arieh
Susan & Pincus Kurnedz, on Eliana to Tamir
Nelly Perry, on Shoshana


On your granddaughter
Judy Hurwitz, on Talia to Ofek
Joyce & Basil Geller

On your grandson
Bess & Eddy Hoffman, on Dan to Hadar
Bess & Eddy Hoffman, on Sheleg to Dana
Doreen & Willie Malkinson


Les & Mira Brown |40th
Ros & Jeff Kaplan | 49th
Denyse & Sam Kirsch |40th
Louise & Arthur Lipschitz | 49th
Philippa & Lewis Rosen |55th
Adele & Mike Rubin | 62nd


Beverly Auerbach| 80th
Phyllis Bloch
Leah Esterson |85th
Avi Grant |90th
Bess Hoffman | 80th
Freda Lanesman | 85th
Morris Silber | 90th
Barbara Wirtschafter 75th
David Wirtschafter |75th


Hadassah Fisher


ESRA extends our deepest
sympathies to the families of:

Louis Hare, husband of Isobel
Gertrude Goldstein Kramer, mother of Stephen
Jean Levin, mother of Susan



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