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Batmitzvah Girls are in the Pink!

The beautifully dressed Batmitzvah girls with their dressed cake by Juliet Rostowsky

The pink and purple tablecloths, pink and white balloons, beautiful pink and white cake made specially for the girls by Juliet Rostowsky, showed that this was a girls-only affair. Our annual batmitzvah party for the 12-year-old girls in our Students Build a Community Projects took place this year at Beit Davidson in Netanya. We had 12 girls celebrating together with their mothers and friends.

Three generations making the candle holders

The evening started with all the girls writing on each other's 'posters' and sending wishes to their friends. A Powerpoint screening of each girl, her favorite activity and her dreams for the future followed. To see that today, with the help of our students in the projects, these girls are all dreaming of becoming lawyers, fashion designers or university graduates in all fields, was the most exciting part of the evening for me. A fun activity of mothers and daughters preparing stone candleholders together was followed by a very meaningful and emotional ceremony of hafrashat challah (separating challah), lighting the candles in the candleholders they had just made, and having some minutes of silent pray for all the good things they want for their future – girls for themselves, mothers for their daughters. 

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Custom-designing the Challot

The group then went to make and bake the challot. The rest of the evening was devoted to pizza and partying with the girls dancing with their friends, mothers joining in . . . and nobody wanting to go home!

The friends greetings on the posters

Thanks go to the following for making this event happen:

■Zmira for giving us Beit Davidson for the night.

■Bruria for leading the mothers and daughters through the ceremonies.

■Juliet for the lovely cake.

■'Nataliz' for the beautiful necklaces given to each batmitzvah girl.

■Our donors Julian and Merle Myers, David Burstein, Craig Price and Fay Franklin.



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