ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories


On Kissing the Tzitzit Through a Mask


The Dubner Maggid


The Shtetl of Musnik


Torah Through a Zionist Vision


A Chronology of Israel - a review


Portugal’s Talking Stones


Chanukah 5774: Are we today’s Hellenists?


My hat -- How I got religion


Idle Thoughts at Bet She'an


Black Jews, Jews, and Other Heroes- A Book Review


The Kabbalist - A Book Review


Kaddish for the Matriarch


Seminary Memories


Hannuka 1955 at Hope Place Liverpool


A Call to British Jewry


My Grandfather's Shop


David Isidore Lavender’s Second World War Diaries


Passover 5777: It Has Stood by Us


Return to the City of a ‘Woman in Gold’


Mississippi Turning . . .


MagazineIsrael- 2019-homepage
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which kindle hope.
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