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Winning Raffle Ticket

Every year my husband and I take a booklet with ten Esra raffle tickets, and have never given winning the raffle a thought. Imagine our surprise when our telephone started ringing after the draw. Friends and acquaintances hastened to tell us that we'd won three nights at a five star hotel in Budapest as well as two flight tickets.

Shlomi at Signal Tours in Ramat Hasharon did the booking for us and assured us that the hotel was centrally located and was indeed a five star hotel.

Due to unforeseen circumstances we were unable to make it and we not only gave the tickets to our children who live up north, we also offered to baby sit their three children.

We installed ourselves in our daughter and son-in-law's home at Nofit, which is near to Kiryat Tivon with some misgivings. Would we be too tired at night to hear if one of the children cried or called during the night? Would my husband and I manage to deal with the myriad of things that have to be done daily in a household like theirs – including a dog and a cat?

My daughter called us from the Kaplinski Hotel where she and her husband were staying, and after asking how we were managing, she said; "Mom, we feel as if we've arrived in heaven." Then she asked to speak to her lovely daughters.

As it so happens, the baby slept through every night for twelve hours without stirring, and the girls gave us no trouble at all.

Our children did most of their sightseeing on foot and had the time of their lives. To quote: "The three days felt like two weeks…. it was such a treat for us to have time to ourselves that it felt like a second honeymoon."

I am including pictures of the Parliament Buildings which they found spectacular.

Thanks ESRA for a wonderful experience all round.

Jill Sadowsky, Ramat Hasharon



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