ESRA Magazine
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Spreading our Wings

Herzliya's Build a Neighborhood

It's time to share the wonderful world of ESRA beyond Israel. With this in mind ESRA will be holding its first ever fundraising event in London.

In life it is often said it is not "what you know" but rather "who you know". This proved to be the case when Vice-chair Terry Morris first proposed the idea, of a London event, to our Executive. Who would be our speaker and where would the event be held? Immediately Glenis Bertfield, Central Region Coordinator, volunteered her cousin Howard Jacobson, a Booker prize winning author, as the speaker and Juliet Rostowsky, Head Supervisor of ESRA's counselling service, promised to talk to her good friends Sir Sydney and Lady Lipworth who then graciously agreed to host this special evening in their beautiful home.

Richard Stein, past chair and fundraising chair of ESRA, arranged a meeting of family and friends at his London home. Here the vision gave birth to reality with the enthusiastic promise of assistance by all present.

The proceeds will be in support of ESRA's flagship project "Students build a community". A project started in areas of deprivation, some ten years ago, that has proven to be a two-way winner. ESRA offers carefully chosen students the opportunity to live rent free in these disadvantaged areas in exchange for mentoring the kids on the block – helping them with their homework as well as becoming role-models for the youngsters. Living "on the job" the students are readily available over and beyond the designated hours of mentoring they give to their pupils.

Today ESRA operates the SBC project in four areas. The hope is that, with the help of our new found friends in the UK, we will be able to expand this project that contributes to a better tomorrow for its beneficiaries and, simultaneously, for our beloved State of Israel.

If you will be in London at the time or know anyone who lives in London who might wish to participate in a very special evening please contact Sandra at the ESRA office 09 950 8371. 



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