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Sally Sher 1940-2022

By Carron, Martin and Arnold Sher

Our grandfather, Bernard Wulf, was the religious leader in Upington, South Africa which had a small but vibrant Jewish Zionistic community. There was much excitement when our grandparents married, the eligible bachelor and the local Nurick girl, Mollie. Their daughter, our mother, Sally was born and grew up in Upington. From a young age, she was very sociable and involved in the community. People have fond memories of her riding around on her bicycle with her long thick plaits waiving behind her as she went to visit her many family and friends. Some of the World War II years were spent in Kimberley, where her father was the Army Chaplain.

At the age of 16, she went to Cape Town and attended boarding school at Good Hope, which had many Jewish students from the outlying communities. After matriculating, she studied to be a commercial secretary and worked in a legal firm and for the Jewish retirement home, Highlands House. Like many of that era, she met our father, Jack Sher on Muizenberg beach and they were married in Upington. There was not a dry eye when her father, our Zeida, started his sermon under the chuppah by saying "my dear children". Our parents made their home in Sea Point for nearly 40 years.

She worked with our father in his engineering business but was mostly a full-time very involved mother. She would shed tears at all our school performances and our graduations were her greatest moment of pride.

How lovingly she cared for her parents (Bobba and Zeida) and Dad's parents (Ouma and Oupa) and what a wonderful sister she was to Rhoda and niece and cousin to her extended family. She was extremely hospitable and had an open home for all family and friends and travelled overseas to represent the family at many family celebrations. She instilled in us a love of Judaism and tradition while always emphasizing the importance of accepting people as they were.

In 2001, our parents came on aliyah to Kfar Saba to be closer to their children and grandchildren. They were so happy here, connecting again with our large family in Israel and making new friends. Although never learning Hebrew, they felt proud Israelis.

We do not remember our mother ever having an argument with anyone or saying a bad thing about anyone. She never wanted to be a burden and asked nothing for herself. She called when she fell and apologized that we would need to meet her at the hospital and might be inconvenienced.

She was involved in many charities in South Africa and in Israel. To name a few, Nechama, B'nai Brith, Meal on Wheels and here in Israel, ESRA. She was a very conscientious secretary for all these organizations and was known for her meticulous minutes and making sure the organization ran smoothly. We were very proud of her when she received the ESRA Volunteer Award.

After our father died, she was determined to carry on being happy and involved in life. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter Covid started and she was in lockdown. She never complained about being alone, even when we could not be with her, especially for her 80th birthday. She spent the time knitting for charity, attending Zoom lectures and in telephonic and e-mail contact with everyone.

Our parents were always so grateful and impressed with the medical care in Israel. The day she received her second Covid vaccine, she cried with emotion that Israel was such a leader in the field. We know she would have wanted to show her appreciation for the excellent care she received at the Beit Rivka Geriatric Medical Center.

Reut, Tali, Meirav, Mia, Galit and Jonathan, know how Safta and Saba were so proud of you and loved watching you grow up into such responsible and wonderful young adults.

Thank you to everyone for keeping in touch with us and for your concern and support during the past year.

Mom, we will remember you as the most loving and caring mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and sister.

You deserve to rest in peace now with Dad.



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