ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories

Sadly, a photo finish

 THE WINNER of our final photo contest is Lora Gordon, of Haifa, whose picture (above) taken near Jerusalem's Western Wall plaza, perfectly captures the subject matter of the last contest – Traditions. Laura's prize is a 32GB Ultra Class 10 SDHC card from SanDisk Corporation, a global leader in flash memory storage solutions.

The Photo Contest has run for a year, and we'd like to thank all the readers who joined in by submitting entries. We'd also like to express thanks to our sponsors, SanDisk, for supplying the prizes. If the feature has sparked in you an interest in photography then we are delighted, and we hope that you keep on 'clicking'. And if you feel you'd like to submit photos for use in future issues of the magazine (this time, unfortunately, without the promise of prizes!) then we'd be delighted to receive and consider them.



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