ESRA Magazine
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New Season in Rehovot

198-larry-and-mindy Entertainment from Larry and Mindy

ESRA Rehovot inaugurated the new season by hosting Larry and Mindy who presented an entertaining musical evening of songs and anecdotes "From the 50's and 60's with Love." Some 60 attendees enjoyed refreshments, information about ESRA and the musical part of the show at the Rehovot branch's new premises which is located in the Havayot Schweitz Community Center.

Susan Lurie, of the Rehovot branch, emceed the evening, indicating it was in memory of the late Annice Grinberg, a most-valued Rehovot branch member for many years.

As many of the attendees were not members of ESRA, they learned from Susan of some of the Rehovot branch's activities. This was followed by greetings from Baruch Tanaman, ESRA's chairman, who told of ESRA's contributions and growth throughout the country.

Followed by an hour plus of songs by the dynamic duo, Larry and Mindy, it was obvious that a great time was had by all.

May ESRA Rehovot and all of ESRA's other branches go from strength to strength. 



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