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Musical Instruments for Youth Villages


Two Youth Villages, Alonei Yitzhak, located next to Givat Ada, and Yemin Orde, located in the Carmel Mountains near Haifa, serve as a home and a junior and senior high school to youth from very challenging backgrounds. They include immigrant youth and at-risk native Israelis (Jews and Arabs) where they learn to live together, preparing and mentoring them for life in Israeli society.

These two schools are interested in promoting music and would like donations of good quality used or new musical instruments. The music programs in both villages provide a therapeutic creative outlet for many of the students.

If anyone has any instrument to offer, or would like to make a donation, please contact me or Racheli Yaso at Yemin Orde or Heidi Goldsmith at Alonei Yitzhak.

Thank you,

Adrian Wolff,
Ramat Hasharon

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Alonei Yitzhak: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

Yemin Orde: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; 



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