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Laura Rusk 1922 – 2021

Laura Rusk was born in Silesia, Poland. Laura was among the last few iconic Holocaust survivors, having survived Auschwitz-Birkenau. Living between Germany, Switzerland, France and the United States, she dedicated her postwar life to helping families receive German reparations and giving "Never-Again" testimonials and speeches to create awareness about anti-Semitism and the horrors of the Holocaust.

Ever since her birth, Laura had an extraordinary and turbulent destiny. In her young years, she lived in abundance. At the start of WWII, her life turned to starvation and survival in labor and concentration camps. Laura's strength and self-worth while facing moments of life or death never failed her until her very last breath. Laura was a true survivor.

After completing her life's work, she finally settled at home, in Eretz Israel. Laura has left a legacy and a burning torch in all members of her family and in all the people around the world whose hearts she has touched to continue her life's work and a promise to all the members of her murdered family to "Never forget them".

You are welcome to view Laura's YouTube testimony videos: Laura Rusk Holocaust Survivor.

May her memory be blessed.

Her loving daughters Helena and Phyliss and Brother Moshe

Grandchildren David, Daniel, Christian, Jason and Gabriel

Great Grandchildren and Great-great Grandchildren 

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