ESRA Magazine
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I Am Not OK


I live in Israel
I am not OK, I am not safe
Thank you for asking

I live in the south
I am not OK, I am not safe
Thank you for asking

Missiles are raining on our heads
My family is not OK, My family is not safe
Thank you for asking

My daughter is in the army
She is not OK, She is not safe
Thank you for asking

She is serving close to Gaza
She is not OK, She is not safe
Thank you for asking

My daughter has seen her family twice
in the past 19 days and will been in for
a month without leave
She is not OK, She is not safe

Thank you for asking

My son's best friends brother was kidnapped*
He is not OK, he is not safe
Thank you for asking

My sons school was hit by a missile
— he can only study remotely
He is not Ok, He is not safe
Thank you for asking

My son's physics teacher was murdered
at the Nova party on that dreadful day
— 7th of October 2023
He is not OK, he is not safe
Thank you for asking

Last week went from Funeral to Shiva
burying and praying for our dead
I am not OK, I am not safe
Thank you for asking

The Jewish way, The Herzlia way is to have
values and show compassion.
All WE need is empathy and support in Israel

Thank you for asking 

Ron Scherman
"My son's best friend's brother was murdered in Gaza"
On Friday December 15, Avi attended the funeral of Ron Scherman who was kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 and murdered in Gaza. Ron was the brother of Dan, the best friend of Tomer Maltz, Avi's son.



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Wednesday, 23 October 2024

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