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Hidden Miracles

Photo credit: Barbara Jackson on Pixabay

The holiday of Chanukah celebrates two miracles. It celebrates the miracle of the holy oil in the Temple Menorah, which was sufficient for one day but lasted miraculously for eight. Chanukah also commemorates the liberation of the Temple Mount from pagan worship and the military victory of the Maccabees over the Syrians that took place on the 25th day of Kislev (first day Chanukah).

The Talmud places miracles into two categories – revealed miracles and hidden miracles. Chanukah has both. The revealed miracle is supernatural, above nature, such as the oil sufficient for one day actually lasting for eight. A "hidden" miracle occurs in nature, like an inexperienced non-professional army defeating a more powerful, more numerous foe composed of mercenaries.

The Talmud also implies that recognition of "hidden" miracles is more important, because it points out that the prayers of Hallel and the Al Hanissim, which are said on Chanukah, refer to the natural miracle of the Hasmonean victory. Hidden miracles occur every day. People simply need to be aware that they are happening.

Israel, in my opinion, is a place of miracles. The hidden miracles happen all the time. Being able to make Aliyah during a Corona lockdown was a miracle. Israel welcomes, supports and helps new immigrants to acclimatize to living here. No other country does this to the same extent as Israel. In fact, some countries try to keep new immigrants out.

Israel, the Start-Up nation, is itself a miracle. The desert blooms. The country grows and develops exponentially. Terrorist rockets are either shot down by the Iron Dome (a miracle of modern science) or land in open unpopulated areas. Miraculously, Israel survives and defeats its enemies.

These "hidden" miracles of Israel can be witnessed on almost a daily basis. In order for these "hidden" miracles not to be taken for granted, a good idea would be to celebrate the "Festival of Light" more than once a year. 



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