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Helping the Disadvantaged Pupils in Netanya

During 2014-15, ESRA continued to cooperate with the Netanya Municipality in running two afternoon centers for teenagers. We will continue this Right-Track program again in the coming school year, 2015 – 2016. This will be the 18th year that ESRA has been a partner in this vital supplementary education project.

The Centers are located in two of the lower socio-economic areas of the city - Hefzibah and Azorim. A large proportion of the 100 teenagers are of Ethiopian extraction. The Centers are operated by the municipality, with a multitude of activities and outings.

ESRA's role is to provide the funds to pay seven professional teachers of Mathematics, English, Bible, Literature and Hebrew grammar. Next year we intend to employ these teachers for a total of 36 hours each week for most of the school year. The army sends soldiers to help prepare the older students in the 11th and 12th grades for army service. They also help with tutoring and other projects.

ESRA keeps contact with the coordinators of these Centers and tries to be of assistance wherever needed, such as buying board games for the young participants and paying for the occasional outing in the summer holidays.

We keep tabs on attendance at the lessons in the Centers and keep records of the subject matter taught, as well as the pupils' grades at the beginning of the year, after the first semester and at the end of the school year. The fact that the grades tend to improve as the year progresses justifies the need for this extra tuition given by ESRA.

The help provided is greatly appreciated by all concerned. 



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