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Golfers enjoy a Great Day

First prize team (from left) Shlomo Ivgi, Marilyn Cooper, Idit Friedman, George Adler. Back row: ESRA Chairman Baruch Tanaman and Lior Prety, Manager of the Caesarea Golf Club

The setting for this year's tournament was Caesarea Golf Club. General Manager, Lior Prety, was approached to give his consent to hold the competition there. Upon hearing about the work of ESRA and the fact that the funds raised this year would be for the further education of Ethiopian youth, he not only gave his consent, but provided the use of the course, staff and facilities free of charge. Caesarea holds a wide range of tournaments, and in order to accommodate ESRA the course was specially opened on the afternoon of Monday July 18 when it is generally closed for maintenance. Thanks must also be given to their functions manager, Adva Oren, who gave ongoing assistance with many of the requirements, and to the staff in the Pro-Shop who took care of all the registration.

A local committee was set up under the leadership of volunteers, Marilyn Cooper and myself with the support of Dudley Kessel. It was decided to play a fun competition ending with a British High Tea and Cocktails. Sixty players registered and the proposed Cha-Cha-Cha game format had to be changed to accommodate all the players. There was an excellent response to requests for the sponsorship for each of the 18 holes prior to the competition. We thank all of these donors; posters of appreciation designed by Marilyn were placed at each of the holes. The same generosity was shown by companies that donated prizes for the raffle, which also brought a first-rate result. Additional gratitude must be given to Richard and Rena Stein who not only donated the lovely awards but also schlepped them all the way from London.

At the check-in, players were each given a gift of Ethiopian greeting cards, a bottle of water and a Crunchy Bar by two enthusiastic Ethiopian students, Giagio Zara and Avigio Worako, both of whom are assisted by ESRA's Students Build a Community program. 

Third prize team: Eli and Linda Streit, Sandra Brown and Yoram Keichel

The eventual format played was on Stableford points for the best two scores out of four at each hole and the competition terminated promptly, leaving plenty of time for the participants to enjoy their cocktails and refreshments before the prize-giving and the raffle draw.

Many thanks to Boaz Segal, the head professional, for his assistance with all the competition side of the event, without which we could not have managed.


Nearest the pin 9th hole – Daniel Feitel

Nearest the pin 17th hole – Meyer Assiag

Men Longest Drive 7th Hole – Gil Peres

Women Longest Drive 7th Hole - Hadas Leibman

Over 75 Longest Drive 14th Hole – Richard Fogleson

1st place: Marilyn Cooper, Shlomo Ivgi, Idit Friedman

George Adler: Team Score – 92 points

2nd place: Meyer Assiag, Claude Bensiano, Shmuel Futeran

Ezra Sharabani: Team Score – 89 points

3rd place: Linda Streit, Eli Streit, Sandra Brown, Yoram Keichel

Team Score – 87 points

The reward of the day was not only the excellent proceeds but also the atmosphere of interest and enjoyment. Thanks are due to ESRA's Chairman, Baruch Tanaman, and to Lawrence Bertfield, Chairman of the Fundraising Committee who met and mixed with the players. Our appreciation also goes to ESRA staff members -–Executive Director Yonit Gurfinkel, who supported us throughout with the organization, as well as Sandra Broza, who also came to assist on the day with Judy Copeland who lent a helpful hand in the proceedings.

Last but not least – heartfelt thanks to my supportive committee as well. 



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