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Get it Right in Israel


Personally. Professionally. Socially 

Get it Right in Israel, formed by ESRA and Gvahim, both nonprofit organizations, which share the same beliefs, values, and deep understanding of the challenges that come with making aliyah, is picking up the pace. Offering a one-stop-shop providing relevant opportunities for olim to get and stay on track in their new home, we have collaborated with the Raanana and Tel Aviv municipalities to bring together immigrants from different corners of the globe for several successful Zoom sessions. Top speakers have Zoomed with our audience, providing them with direct answers to their questions on important topics.

Asaf Yaffe, Talent Acquisition Professional, spoke to our audience of over 60 participants on how to be interviewed like an Israeli. He answered questions on the very apparent differences olim find in the interviewing process in Israel, ranging from the personal questions one can be asked to the informal atmosphere one can encounter. He explained how to adapt to the mind-set of the Israeli interviewer sitting across the table, how to gain a better understanding of the interviewer's motives and how to overcome the invisible gap that sometimes prevents immigrants from making themselves truly shine in job interviews.

Eytan Schwartz, Head of Communications in the Tel Aviv Municipality, allowed our 90 viewers to Zoom in on TLV, connecting us with a brief look at the history of this fascinating city. He explained about the services the municipality has to offer as opposed to what the government offers and answered questions on welfare, housing, education and the different benefits immigrants are entitled to.

In Raanana, we reached out to immigrants with young children as registration for preschool opened. Mayor Chaim Broyde opened the Zoom meeting with his remarks and Tami Geiger, Head of Preschool and Early Childhood Education in the Raanana Municipality, helped over 30 parents understand the process and answered all their questions. These questions included: How do I register? What is a long day Gan? What will my child eat?

After hosting these and several prior events, our questionnaires show that our audience is greatly benefiting from our events and we are determined to continue providing support to olim is Israel and to those who are in the process of making aliyah.
Up next, we have a talk by Revital Rauchwerger, head of the Gvahim Entrepreneurship Center, who will provide those who dream of having a startup or business in Israel with what they need to know on and how to validate their ideas in Israel. Then, Dr. Claire Rabin, professional therapist and a lecturer at Tel Aviv University, will talk about the good, the bad and the ugly; how to achieve a successful Aliyah, despite it all.

We look forward to continuing our Get it Right in Israel sessions and although our new Zoom world has allowed us to reach out and help olim all over the globe, we hope that soon we will be able to meet in person to really form a warm and connected ESRA community.

For future events go to our website 



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