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Farewell to Kruger, My Happy Place

 "Goodbye, KNP. You will always be my first true love".

We were first introduced when I was but a young child - not yet old enough to appreciate all your intricacies, but just young enough to be utterly enchanted by your mysteriousness.
Over the years, we have had our share of moments.
I have seen you strong and lush, bountiful and carefree.
I have seen you give life, and I have seen you take it away.
I have witnessed your resilience and timelessness during the trying times.
You have been there for me when I needed to escape to my "Happy Place", and my memories of you have given me comfort and solace when the miles do not allow us the physical closeness I so desire.
Today, I introduced you to my wife, my other true love, and you showed her the same love and compassion that I have known from you all these years.
You are a kind and generous lover. You showed my life partner that you can be shared, and cherished, and nurtured.
You were my first true love, and so you remain.
Our relationship has grown to include more than just you and me.
Hopefully, one day soon, I will return to you, and I will introduce you to my children, and they too will fall in love with you.
And you will love them, and you will teach them to listen to the silence, to see the beauty that is within you.

I have learned many a lesson from you, and I attribute part of who I am to you.
I wish that I do you proud by telling your story far and wide to all who may listen.
Until we meet again, stay safe, stay true, and stay beautiful.

Your humble love.



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