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ESRA Zoom Quiz Night - the Best Ever

Once again the ESRA quiz took place with teams from up and down the country.

We had 17 teams and nearly 200 computers in operation at the same time. It was a nerve-wracking experience. I had the best team ever with Neil Spungin who wrote the questions. Laurence Jacobs was the tech guy behind the scenes making sure everything ran smoothly. Lawrence Bertfield read out the 60 questions like a BBC announcer with a Manchester accent and most of all ‒ Emma Blackman, who was just terrific in every sense of the word. In the evening keeping her cool, giving advice and generally encouraging everyone to have confidence to cope with the Zoom. Emma, you are a real star and I couldn't have done this without you.

Congratulations to the winning teams:

1st Grahams/Raanana

2nd Netanya

3rd jointly: Hoch/Raanana and Tiberias/Jordan Valley

Unfortunately, there are no photos this year but we have had some great compliments from so many people, too many in fact to include. Here is a selection:

Thank you all for a fun evening last night. It was a positive change from our normal evening program. Thanks Adrian, for getting this together for our group. It was a job well done.
Les Brown, Modiin

Many thanks Glenis for putting together such a marvelous evening. We were wondering how it would work. I was truly amazed at the organization of it all. Am so proud to be part of ESRA.
Ruchama Hillel, Tiberias/Jordan Valley

Congratulations to all you brave people. I am glad to see that we were able to do this. Especial thanks to Brian and Linda for the assistance. Brian, you're the man!
Gabriel, Naharya

Glenis, what a tour de force! All those many people and it went off without a hitch because of the superior organization of your team. Since Zoom talks in our experience are flubbed up very often, to do such a thing without any major flaw is unheard of ‒ but you all did it. And it was fun and exciting and G-d knows we can all use a little bit of that in these bitter days. So give our blessing to all of your team. As Hallmark cards say…. You cared enough to do your very best.
Don and Myrna Silverberg, Netanya

Well done for a great evening. Lawrence was great, clear and humorous, and please pass on to Emma how wonderful she was. So very patient and competent. It was a fun evening.
Baruch Tanaman, Raanana

Apart from the lack of food, the best quiz ever.
Tony Green, Raanana

This was a first quiz for us, thanks very much. Well done quizmaster, you did a great job keeping the unruly mob under control.
Judith Brooks, Raanana

Kol Hakovod to all the organizers.
Ron Bloom, Nahayria

Thanks everyone, we couldn't stop laughing.
Carolyne and Alan, Eilat

Emma, you have so much patience, well done.
Sandra Gould, Raanana 



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