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ESRA Calendar 2015/16

VOLUNTEERS are pictured busy beavering away at ESRA’s Herzliya office. Photos by Mike Altman 

VOLUNTEERS are pictured busy beavering away at ESRA's Herzliya office packing the charity's new Recipe Calendar for 2015/16 into envelopes for members in time for the New Year. Down the left flank can be seen Miriam Grunwald, Terry Shlomo, Aliza Marks and Joan weisman. And opposite are Carol Rafic, Seymour and Hadassah Fisher and Susan Kurnedz, whose idea it was to create an ESRA calendar in the first place.

Thanks to the distribution organizers Geeta Gariby, Bernice Meyers and Avraham Hanson.
Your friends and relatives at home and abroad will be delighted to receive the calendar as a gift, with all proceeds benefitting ESRA Community Funds.
ESRA will post the calendar to any address in the world – it certainly makes a great way to start the new year. The price per calendar is just NIS 35 (which includes postage in Israel) and NIS 45 (including postage abroad).
To avoid disappointment, order now by calling the ESRA office on 09 950 8371, or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Susan Kurnedz: ESRA calendar was her idea


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