ESRA Magazine
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ESRA anyone out there with workplace experience who can contact the ‘big boys’?

ESRA is on the look out for a volunteer with experience in the workplace who enjoys working with people and who could contribute to ESRA by making contact with big companies either by phone or personally.

There are many places which have left-over goods (clothing, bric a brac etc) that we could sell in our second-hand stores in Raanana and Kfar Saba.

Profits from these shops go to support our many worthwhile projects.

If you can help, please call Lola on 052 265 3847. 



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MagazineIsrael- 2019-homepage
There are pockets of coexistence
which kindle hope.
Old cities and very new cities with amazing stories
Find out about the Israeli art scene
The best tours in Israel with ESRA members