ESRA Magazine
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Dreams come True for the Third Time

Enjoying the art festival in Neot Herzl

The "You can dream" festival was held this year for the third time in a row, organized and sponsored jointly by ESRA, the Cultural Movement of the Neot Herzl Community Center and the Students Build a Community Project in Neot Herzl.

This art festival is quite unique and enables our students to work with their pupils, creating and showcasing artwork based on their dreams.

This pleasurable cooperation and fruitful cultural movement is coordinated by Katya Nikmorov and Yiftach Biber, together with our students.

Shimon Park, next to the Neot Herzl Community Center, was the venue for the festival, beginning with a parade of artists, followed by local neighborhood artists showing their paintings and photographs, and living sculptures entertaining the crowds. In every corner, there were drawings, exciting shows and much more. 

Kids having fun!

And all homemade by local artists.

What a great way to start the summer vacation!

The afternoon was a wonderful and exciting meeting of all residents with the cooperation of all the parties. Many thanks to the initiators, to the participants and to the youth instructors at the community center which serves parents, children and youth in the Neot Herzl/Sela neighborhood.




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