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Dr Teddy Edelstein 1930-2019


I am Teddy's son.

What can we say about Teddy, the big little man?

Teddy always did everything his own way, right to the end.

He did phenomenal work all his life as a doctor, looking after thousands of patients, delivering thousands of children and as a volunteer worker for many community organizations.

He always was so involved in raising money and volunteering for philanthropic endeavors.

Friends and colleagues have admired him for all of his efforts over many years.

He contributed a lot as President of the Israeli Rugby Union and one of the founders of the Raanana Rugby Club. One of the guys from the rugby wrote to me yesterday that under Teddy's guidance the union was able to do a lot with a little.

I think that was his ability in all the committees he worked with.

Teddy was a wonderful husband and Marsha always supported him in everything that he wanted to do. He made all of the big decisions with Marsha's unending support. He loved his children dearly and adored Marsha to his last day.

Having Roshni helping Marsha take care of Teddy over the past five years has been wonderful. She is the only person Teddy ever listened to.

Teddy absolutely lived a full and productive life until almost the end.

He will be missed dearly by all who knew him.

May he finally rest in peace. 



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