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Dedication of the Jankel-Sterne Entrance

Completed and in-use the new entrance

Sanz Medical Center Laniado Hospital 

The newly-expanded and upgraded Jankel-Sterne entrance to the Sanz Medical Center Laniado Hospital building was recently dedicated in a ceremony attended by the donor, Harold Sterne, who lives in Netanya, his son Symon, who came from the UK, and many friends from the local community.

As Laniado's Director of Development and Community Services, I had the privilege of thanking Harold and Symon Sterne and all the guests for their ongoing support of the hospital. "The addition of the enlarged and elegant lobby is most welcome," I told them. "Thanks to Harold, this lobby joins the ongoing list of recently opened new projects here at Laniado. This includes the new maternity and birthing center, the new Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and the new Regional Dialysis Center, which are all missile protected and which will be joined very shortly by the new under-construction General Intensive Care Unit with 17 beds, due to open by the end of the year."

(From right to left) Harold and Symon Sterne by the plaque in their honor

The CEO of the hospital, Nadav Chen, thanked Harold for his vision and proactive initiative. "Harold saw the need to improve the entrance of the building, due to the dramatic increase in traffic and stepped forward with a proposal and solution," he said.

Rabbi Jonathan Lieberman, representing the community of Ramat Poleg in Netanya, extolled the hospital and the essential services it provides to young and old and encouraged everyone to support it.

Harold Sterne thanked everyone for coming from near and far and encouraged people "not to take our excellent community hospital for granted". The hospital currently serves a population of over 500,000 people from throughout the Sharon region.

The plaque naming the Jankel-Sterne entrance was unveiled and a certificate of honor was given to Harold in thanks for his vision and initiative that will be felt by all those entering the hospital building for many years to come. 

Visitors in the new entrance


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