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Cynthia - a Tough Act to Follow

198-jackie-klein Cynthia Barmor receiving a Certificate of Appreciation from Mr Yaakov Almog, the head of Modiin’s Social Services

 MAY I add my voice in appreciation of Cynthia Barmor, the outgoing chair of ESRA Modiin, for the amazing work she has done over the last 9/10 years – and nobody knows better than I, her co-chair of most of that time.

Her tireless energy, her original ideas and her constant concern for the wellbeing of the 'at risk' children of Neve ESRA never ceased to surprise, and left me, and most of our Committee, breathless in her wake.

Nowhere was that bond she shares with the Neve ESRA children more evident when, on the second night of Chanukah, 2018, I was privileged to be invited to attend a candle lighting event there. In front of invited guests from the municipality, the Modiin ESRA Committee, parents and children, a presentation was made to an emotional Cynthia of a folder made up of letters and pictures the children had written to her expressing their love and gratitude.

There was also a gift of tableware from the staff of the Neve ESRA and a certificate of appreciation from the municipal Social Services Department. Incoming chair Evelynne Cherny presented each child with an individual gift.

I wish Evelynne and two vice-chairs every success in their new positions and want them to know they have very big shoes to fill. Any advice or support I may be able to give, albeit from 6,000 km away, know that I am always here for you.

Jackie Klein
Johannesburg, South Africa



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