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Consumer Tips

Stop bending-over-double to look into the fridge: measure the space, then get one or two square plastic baskets to fit each shelf. It's so much easier to pull out half-a-shelf, like a drawer! It's also easy to separate items – such as milk/meat, fruit/vegetables – and to clean if you put toweling or paper in the bottom. The space between baskets is good for storing long items like scallions, celery, or an egg carton on its side.

Avoid purses or wallets with magnet closure: they tend to de-magnetize credit cards and other magnetic data, making it necessary to replace them often.

Snack dishes: those colorful little plastic bowls are great for holding a handful of nuts, bamba or cookies. They are re-usable, hold less than disposable plates and are less likely to spill. Stack them near or in the fridge and wash once, at the end of the day.

Does your granola clump? Mine does. Save the larger nuggets for cooky-like snacks.

A couple of strips cut out of old credit or other plastic cards can make "spring" closures for glass cases/coin purses... especially if you make them yourself. 



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