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Chanukah Treat at Ramat Aviv

The sisters entertain

ESRA Ramat Aviv celebrated Chanukah this year with beautiful music, delicious Chanukah treats and good friends, old and new. It was a truly enchanting and unique evening.

We were in for a real treat when the Weissberg sisters, Naomi and Mala,, and their Mom, Nadia Weintraub, began their performance which transported us to an evening we will long remember.

Naomi sings soprano and Mala is a mezzo soprano. Together with their concert pianist mom, we listened to a spectacular array of music, from the arias of Mozart and Mendelssohn to our favorite tunes from Broadway musicals, songs from Fiddler on the Roof, Yentl and Phantom of the Opera. The evening of beautiful songs would not have been complete without the singing of well known Israeli and Chanukah songs which brought back memories to one and all.

The cheers of "Bravo" and enthusiastic clapping were well deserved by this talented trio.We also had ample opportunity to taste Chanukah latkes, doughnuts and other Chanukah goodies.

ESRA Ramat Aviv's Chanukah celebration on December 8 was enjoyed by all, and everyone said they were already looking forward to many good times together.

Thanks to Terry Shlomo for putting together another wonderful ESRA Ramat Aviv event. It will be remembered as a truly enchanting evening.



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