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A Twinkle In The Night

Photo credit: Enrique Meseguer on Pixabay


Theta lay in her bed, curled up in a fetal position. She had been alone in her room for what felt like forever. The pain was heart-wrenching, and she couldn't move without feeling like her body was on fire. Tears streamed down her face as she tried to suppress her sobs. She was tired, so achingly tired, but she couldn't sleep. She longed for the touch of her mother's hand, and the sound of her father's voice; but they could not come near her for fear of catching her illness. For now, all she could do was try to endure the pain and pray that it would soon be over.

The night was moving in, penetrating even her dark and lonely room. Nighttime was always a scary time for her, not because of the dark or false stories of monsters. But because the night was even lonelier for her than the day. During the day, she would always be busy keeping up with school work, reading, and even writing, but at night all she had was the moon. Though she never complained. This night her thoughts were too loud. She decided to try and sleep early so the terrible feeling of being alone would leave her. However, she tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

In anger, she began to yell at the moon like house dogs howling at a dinner bell; she envied the moon; she always thought how strong the moon must be to appear every night, no matter the storm, and how light the night. And to her surprise, the moon looked back at her. That shocked her spirit as deeply as the vibration of a bell. Barely able to utter a word, the moon looked at the poor girl and introduced herself by telling her her name was Elara, and then asked the girl her name. Theta had never said her name faster. Elara smiled at Theta and asked her what was troubling her. Still shocked, Theta answered the moon, sharing her apprehensions and concerns.

The moon felt wretched for the girl. Trying to calm Theta, the moon told her a tale: "Once upon a time, when the bear still ruled the planet, I looked down upon the peaceful sea and the resting creatures and felt something missing. I thought and thought until I finally realized: What I felt was missing were companions to keep watch with me all night. I knew the end of my time was approaching, and it would be time for my sister, the Sun, to shine and conquer the skies. That night, I only feigned sleep. And when the Sun came up, I hid and crept out during the day to steal the smallest rays from her. That night, when I reappeared, there were millions of tiny rays of light surrounding me. The sky had never appeared so occult. And until today, every once in a while, I creep out to meet my sister (what silly scientists call an eclipse), and I steal these rays (what you know as stars) and keep them company all night through. I am as certain as I conquer the night that you will join me among the stars, and watch over those you love with a light so bright."

Theta lay in her bed, looking at the twinkling stars outside her window. She knew she didn't have much time left, but she wasn't afraid. She was ready. She had been sick for so long, and the pain was unbearable. She yearned for peace and the release from her earthly body. She stepped outside on the clear, starry night; she looked up and saw the bright, full moon staring back at her. Suddenly, the moon flickered, and with a flash of light, she came down to her, shrinking to her size. Theta felt no fear as the moon gently scooped her up and brought her to her side. The moon spoke softly, telling Theta it was her time to join her in the sky. The girl held out her arms just as all the stars in the sky gathered around them. She felt herself transform into a radiant, shining star. The moon carried her into the sky and, together, they twinkled and danced among the stars. It was a beautiful sight to see, Theta shining bright and, at last, at peace.

As her parents looked up at the stars that night, their hearts grew heavy, and their thoughts turned to their precious little girl. They saw a new constellation taking shape. It was as if the stars were rearranging themselves into a shape they knew so well. They watched in wonder as the stars twinkled and glimmered, forming the shape of a little girl. And then they knew, beyond a doubt, that their darling daughter was among the stars, free from the pain that had plagued her for so long but which had also given her bravery that far exceeded her years. They cried, but their tears were bittersweet. They knew she was happy now and that someday they would be reunited. And as they held each other close, they whispered into the night, "Goodbye, sweet angel, fly free among the stars."


Hello! Thank you for this opportunity; it was a pleasure writing a story that meant a lot to me and sharing it with you.

The tile "A Twinkle in the Night" is an ode to Theta's bravery and the power of companionship amongst the stars.

Theta is named after a star in the Pisces constellation.

The story initially feels sad because it depicts a little girl, Theta, who is suffering from an incurable illness and is in constant agony. Her pain is heart-wrenching, and she is unable to find comfort in the touch of her loved ones. Moreover, Theta is lonely and finds solace only in the company of the moon, which speaks to her one night and transforms her into a shining star.

However, the story ultimately turns into a hopeful and inspiring one as Theta's transformation into a star symbolizes her liberation from her earthly pains and struggles. The story's portrayal of her joining the stars may also be interpreted as ascending to heaven or an afterlife, where she becomes free from her mortal suffering and finds eternal peace. The stars that her parents see in the sky represent their daughter's spirit and the hope that she is in a better place.

Therefore, the story provides comfort to those who have lost a loved one by reminding them that their loved one is at peace and in a better place. It also highlights the power of companionship and the notion that our departed loved ones are watching over us as shining stars in the night sky. This hope and inspiration can make the story of Theta's transformation into a star a happy one despite the initial sadness of her struggles on earth.

Katrina Makhoul is a 9th grader at the Italian School in Haifa. Her mother tongues are English and Arabic, or as Katrina phrased it, Arabic by technicality, English by practice. She lives in Haifa.



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