ESRA Magazine
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A Great Program in Petah Tikva

Dr Aryeh Shore giving the talk

Visit to the Opera

The first week in January saw the Petah Tikva branch venture into the heart of cultural Tel Aviv for a tour around the backstage of the TA Opera. More than 30 members and friends made the trip, and were enthralled by the visit to the costume and wig room as well as listening to a young opera singer who gave us a short insight into the world of the up-and-coming opera singer. She also performed two songs beautifully and answered many of the questions posed by our group.

I know that many branches have already made this tour, but for those who have not, it is a very informative and pleasant way to spend a couple of hours.

Other activities and meetings

Our first house meeting was held, and an interesting talk was given by Dr. Aryeh Shore on 'A journey from molecular biology and transgenic green-glowing ‎chickens'. We had over 10 attendees, a great achievement for our first house meeting.

The PT branch also have a monthly Arts and Crafts group which meets in members' houses. For more details of how to join this group or to start another group activity, please contact Edna Chayen This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On February 2, we held a workshop on taking photos with your cell phone.

English Tutoring

We have finally started our English tutoring groups in the PT area. We have three programs running and our wonderful coordinator, Annette Rosenberg, is happy to hear from anyone who would like to volunteer. Training and guidance are available.

  • to help students in the evenings with their homework in English at the Youth Center in Ein Ganim, 6 Hama'apilim Street
  • to teach a group of injured soldiers on Thursday evenings at their club on Jabotinsky Street (English-teaching experience necessary)
  • to prepare high school students for their oral bagrut

Please call Annette Rosenberg if you are interested: 03 924 8687

Look forward to:-

  • "How to start" - Genealogy workshop/lecture - date to be decided
  • Series of walking tours around historical Petah Tikva (after the rainy season ends)

If you are in the PT area or have family, friends or visitors from overseas who live close by, please tell them about the ESRA PT branch. We would be happy to hear from you and them. 



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