ESRA Magazine
ESRAmagazine categories


Heroines of The British Special Operations Executive


Orde Wingate – VJ Day Remembrance


Sisters of The Same Tree


Audrey Goodman 1933-2014


Recognition for ‘Forgotten Schindler’


The Mysterious Life of Baseball’s Moe


The 99-Year-Old Man


Dreams Never Dreamed: A Memoir by Kalman Samuels


There is No Glory in War


Giving Heart and Soul


Carole Rosenblatt: Yamit to Beer Sheva


Along Came a Hero


Portuguese Award to Diplomat for Saving Holocaust Refugees


In heaven over Irving Berlin music


Righteous Japanese who saved Thousands


Jill Sadowsky - Honored in the Knesset


Tribute to Naomi Shemer


Student Orr Shines a Light


Lea Goldberg 1911-1970


Doctor No


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