ESRA Magazine
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Chairperson's Message 221

Dear Members and Friends,

As we gather to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the English-Speaking Residents Association (ESRA), we do so with a mix of pride, gratitude, and a deep awareness of the challenging times we are navigating. This past year has tested our resilience and solidarity in unprecedented ways, with the ongoing conflict and the distressing reality of hostages impacting our community profoundly. Yet, in the face of these adversities, ESRA has remained a steadfast pillar of support, proving that our commitment to helping newcomers and fostering a spirit of giving back is more crucial than ever.

Reflecting on a Challenging Year

The past year has been marked by trials and tribulations that have affected us all. The war and the hostage situations have cast a shadow over our daily lives, bringing uncertainty and heartache. Many in our community have faced immense challenges, from personal losses to the strains of living in a conflict zone. During these difficult times, ESRA has stood strong, providing a source of comfort, support, and connection for our members.

Our Mission: A Beacon of Hope for Newcomers

In such turbulent times, the importance of a welcoming and supportive community cannot be overstated. For newcomers making aliyah, the challenges of settling in a new country have been compounded by the current situation. At ESRA, we are deeply committed to ensuring that these individuals and families find a sense of belonging and security. Our comprehensive support programs, from practical assistance with housing and employment to social and cultural activities, are designed to help newcomers navigate their new reality and build a life in Israel, despite the uncertainties around them.

Empowering Our Community to Give Back

Amidst the adversity, the spirit of giving back has shone brightly within our community. ESRA's commitment to volunteerism has been a source of strength and resilience. Our members have come together to support one another and those in need, embodying the true essence of community service. Whether through providing aid to those directly affected by the conflict, supporting our elderly, or offering educational assistance to children, our volunteers have made a significant impact. This culture of compassion and service is what makes ESRA a beacon of hope and solidarity.

A Legacy of Resilience and Service

As we celebrate our 45-year journey, we honor the resilience and dedication that have defined ESRA. Our history is rich with stories of overcoming challenges and making meaningful contributions to the lives of English-speaking residents in Israel. This legacy of resilience and service continues to inspire us as we face current and future challenges together.

Looking to the Future with Hope

While we reflect on the difficulties of the past year, we also look to the future with hope and determination. ESRA remains committed to expanding our support and services, adapting to the evolving needs of our community, and ensuring that we remain a vital resource for English-speaking residents in Israel. By leveraging technology, fostering partnerships, and continuously innovating our programs, we aim to build a sustainable and resilient organization that can weather any storm.

Join Us in Our Celebration

To commemorate our 45th anniversary, we have planned a series of special events and activities throughout the year. I warmly invite each of you to join us in these celebrations. Your participation is a testament to the strength and unity of our community. Whether you are a newcomer seeking support or a long-time member looking to give back, your involvement enriches our collective experience and strengthens our bonds.

Thank You for Your Unwavering Support

In closing, I extend my deepest gratitude to all our members, volunteers, and supporters. Your dedication, generosity, and resilience are the heart and soul of ESRA. Together, we have built a community that not only welcomes newcomers but also empowers individuals to make a meaningful impact, even in the face of adversity. Thank you for being an integral part of our journey.

Here's to 45 years of ESRA and to many more years of support, resilience, and community!

Warm regards,

Nella Feldsher

Chair ESRA



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