September 2020 saw the retirement of Stuart Miller from the Raanana ESRA Nearly New Shop, after nine years of selfless service.
Stuart was born in Leeds, UK, in 1944. He studied at Leeds Grammar School, 1955-1961. After leaving school he worked in his father's business for thirty years. His father bought, warehoused and distributed British and imported bedlinen and household textiles to the trade throughout the UK. He had the largest and most successful Cash and Carry business in his time. After his father's death Stuart joined a new company in the same field, where he happily stayed for twenty years until retirement in 2010.
Stuart married Leonie in Leeds and they had three sons. He led a full life in Leeds, becoming Chairman of the Jewish Day School PTA, singing in his United Hebrew congregation Synagogue Choir from 1979 until making aliyah. He joined a Younger JNF committee, and became a member of the Leeds Jewish Welfare Board, amongst other charitable activities. In between his work and social life, Stuart and Leonie brought up their three sons, until Leonie passed away in 2000. All three sons are now married. Max lives in Melbourne Australia, Richard in London and Robert, in Manchester. Stuart is now the proud grandfather of seven grandchildren. Stuart, his sons and grandsons all support Leeds United AFC.
Stuart met Dianne and they married in 2003. They made aliyah to Israel in 2011 and settled in Raanana. Stuart picked up his life immediately on arrival, joining a choral group and the Eitz Chaiim Choir at Shivtei Yisrael Synagogue.
Stuart's desire in Raanana was to involve himself in voluntary work and where better than the ESRA Second Hand Shop. His where fifty years of experience stood him - and ESRA - in good stead. Working together with Giora, the shop manager, business flourished, as did the shop's contribution to supporting ESRA's community projects.
We shall all miss Stuart in his well earned retirement, but it is difficult to keep a good man down. I am sure the shop will continue to benefit from his consultancy services in the years to come.