Please share your Milestones with ESRA readers: Births, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Marriages, Deaths Email your Milestones to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel: 09 950 8371
BIRTHS On your granddaughter Sharona and Ari Bick Laurence and Bebe Jacobs Ellen and Emanuel Kronitz Linda and Michael Sherrington On your grandson Evelyn and Miguel Grausz and Marian and Laurence Lebor, on Omer Nina Reshef, on Shaul Louie Aharon On your great grandson Susan Kurnedz On your great granddaughter Rosie and Hillel Bick Lenore & Herb Hahn, on Nitzan Taube Aron and Rivka Walles BIRTHDAYS Zeev Abraham | 80th Barbara Blum | 96th Edith Dinar | 90th Albert Jacobs | 90th Susan Kurnedz | 80th Laurence Lebor | 70th Marilyn Talmor | 80th ENGAGEMENTS Sandra and David Broza's son Amichai to Tzofia Bekker BARMITZVAHS On your grandson Lydia Aisenberg, on Eyal | DEATHS Dora Hahn Blatt, sister of Herb Hahn Harold Brozin, husband of Joan Anthony Felix, husband of Daphne Lillian Green Gaby Haimowitz, wife of Freda Stanley Lewis, husband of Janice Caroline Manson, mother of Maureen Hoch Chava Meiron Jacob Messer Phyllis Plaskow, wife of Michael, mother of Angela and Ros Geraldine Poritz Jeremy, son of Dianne Sher Gloria Shapiro Sam Sher, husband of Elana Marvin Turk Blanche (Binky) Woolf, mother of Elaine Black THANK YOU Thank you Annette Bode for the very valuable and excellent work you have done for ESRA and its magazine over so many years. You revolutionized our database; served as an active member of the Executive Committee as well as a member of our ESRA Magazine Editorial Committee; uploaded hundreds of articles to our new website; did all the administrative work and contact with the writers for our last two Short Story competitions; endowed us with your wisdom and vast experience; and so much more. |
Happy birthday to Dr Albert Jacobs
on his 90th with ESRA friends.
From left to right: Estelle Schulgasser,
Jeremy Weil, Helen Stohl, Irwin and Ethel
Weintraub, Dr. Albert Jacob (on his 90th
birthday), Carole Rosenblatt (Chairperson
ESRA Beer Sheva), Dr. John and Ruth Gravinar,
Joan Avigur, Ingrid Barzel, and Judy Levine.
Photo by Wolf Levine