This is a delicious orange date cake made in a Magimix food processor. It never fails. I was employed by Magimix, selling and demonstrating Magimix at this time. Any good food processor will work.
- 250 gr dates
- 200gr margarine
- 200 ml milk
- 500 ml flour
- 250 ml sugar
- 1½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
- 3 eggs
- 1 medium sized orange cut into pieces or blocks with the PEEL ON.
Use the S stainless steel blade of your food processor.
- Remove the pips from the dates and flour the dates lightly to prevent the dates from sticking to the bowl.
- Chop dates and remove from bowl.
- In a clean bowl using the same S blade, cream the sugar with the cut up orange and skin and process till fine.
- Add the cut up margarine, and process, add the eggs (unbeaten) and the flour mixed with the bicarbonate of soda, alternating with the milk.
- Lastly add the dates to the bowl and process to fold in the dates.
- Pour the mixture using a spatula into a kugelhopf tin. Tefal is excellent (no need to grease the tin). All other tins need to be sprayed lightly with oil.
- Bake at 180 for 45 minutes.
- If you want to use this as a dessert, mix 1/2 cup sugar with 3/4 cup of orange juice dissolved and heated over medium heat.
- Pour over turned out cake.
Delicious served with ice cream or custard.