Enjoying a Chanukah singalong at the home of Terry and Hezy Shlomo. Photos: Naomi Bar Yosef

There was excitement in the air as the 26 party makers entered the lovely home of Terry and Hezy Shlomo to celebrate Chanukah and share a wonderful evening together. Everyone joined in for the lighting of the Chanukah candles, followed by conversation and delicious food. 

Food included latkes,, sufganiot and lots to drink

The table was set with wonderful varieties of latkes, each kind a delicacy of its own. Condiments such as sour cream and apple sauce, as well as all kinds of salads and cheeses and nuts were offered. Drinks were plentiful. It was so nice to meet and greet and have warm conversations.

The raffle brought smiles to the faces of those who picked and chose from the wonderful array of items available. The silent auction for the special pottery statue produced by our own Selma Miller was won by Hezy Shlomo, who immediately found a place of honor for it in the living room. Thank you, Selma, for your contribution.

Alon Aviv, our entertainer for the evening, set up his piano and before our eyes, spread across the living room wall the words of many of our favorite musical moments in over the years. Not only did we belt out almost every Chanukah song we knew, but Alon played those fabulous Broadway tunes we all treasure, and shared stories about the Jews who wrote the lyrics and the musical scores. What can be better than singing the music of Rogers and Hammerstein, the Gershwin brothers, and so many others? In addition, we sang songs by Bob Dylan and Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary fame. Alon Aviv is a treasure. He has a beautiful voice and encouraged all of us to sing our best…and we did!

Before we called it a night, we were served yummy sufganiot, because it wouldn't be Chanukah without them.

What a special evening it was. Let's do it again next year!